Tuesday, June 30, 2009

the only way to say it is to sing it :)




1)you all have been informed by miss tracy about the trinity exams!

(or ill bazooka your head off)

its at the end of the year, so dont worry about being underprepared!
the fees might be a little pricey but if ALL OF US JOIN, itll be much cheaper, SO DONT BE THE SELFISH ONE

2) we have new scores, soran bushi, the hokkaido song (which is terribly hard D:) and "with a little help from my friends" if you didnt get it, come to me or sherwu or ask your friends to photo.s. a copy for you.

3) the kehadiran is going

if you dont come, we're going to have to kick your butt D:

4) theres extra practise next friday, 10th of july.


Saturday, June 27, 2009


Yes, this blog is terribly, terribly outdated.

But fear not, for I have brought news!

...Well, sort of. Brace yourselves, Miss Tracy will be randomly selecting three people to make them sing this Tuesday. And we will also be getting a new song! Yay! No more Simple Gifts!

No offense to those who like the song, but I'm so sick of it. I swear, there was one day I went through the whole day with choir songs stuck in my head. They alternated only with ChoralFest songs, which aren't much better, having been composed by Handel of all people. -rolls eyes-

Oh, and just to clarify, the 'did you know' posted by Simon is not entirely true. Actually, your hair and toenails don't grow after you die - it's just your body shriveling up that makes it seem so.

Hope you enjoyed that wondrously pointless piece of information!


Monday, April 20, 2009

Friday Practice


I had a sudden urge to be insane. It's gone now.

Er, hi. It's Jessica again. :D

Right! On to news.

This Friday, all must dress in PJ clothes. Wei Ann says we'll be running while singing.


Is it just me or does that not sound appealing?

Oh, well. Hopefully we won't have to do what the morning choir did - those present last Friday may recall a lot of grunts and cries of pain from the part of the hall used by them. Those related to someone in the morning choir (like me) may have had to put up with a lot of whining. Sigh. My ears hurt. :P

In other news, a person uses approximately 57 sheets of toilet paper a day.

That's disgusting, isn't it? Yup, I hope I've ruined your appetites. Muahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

Signing off,

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Hi. I'm Jessica, the Form One AJK for the blog. :D Now that you all know me, let's move on to choir business.

Right! Two new songs today: As If We Never Said Goodbye and Circle of Life medley and Simple Gifts. We learned As If We Never Said Goodbye and it was AWESOME. Yeah, it sounds REALLLY good with soprano and alto parts singing in harmony. Feels like heaven...:D

Ahem. For those of you joining the Choralfest competition, remember to come to school on Friday at 12 noon for extra practice! For those who can't make it by 12, come as soon as possible. Yes, it is 12 till 2, so wear your school uniforms!

Random Fact: Although estimates vary, humans blink their eyes around five million times each year.

Ain't that cool?

Signing off,

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Woo hoo

Hi guys! i'm simBoldon... haha.. i didnt help much... but i hope everyone will attend the choral festival!! wooo hoo! but i wont come too cuz got sumthing else to do...haha

did you know corner...
did you know? that when a human dies, their fingernails will still grow for a few days then only it will die...

ok then, thats all for now!! XD baisss~

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Choir Fees

Hello! it's me, Alison.. If u don't know who am I, *ahem-ahem*
I am the bendahari for Choir & Music Afternoon Section ~09... *claps*
lol... kay...
This post is to tell u guys about the CHOIR FEES...
As You all know, (but some of you still dunno) The fees is RM35.00 for the whole year...
So Please Pay up the choir fees as soon as possible to me in 2Keruing...
It is better if you guys bring the fees on Tuesday, & giv it to me during choir..
It'll b alot more easier this way...
so u, u, u, and u going yea? good...
excited?? yeah!
so yea.. that's sbout it.. and please, vote for the song u wanna hear on this blog...
coz if not, the blog will b boring... so yea...

♥, alison

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Hello and sorry =(

Hello everyone =) ELAINE here.
Weiann spelt my name wrongly, it's Elaine. Two E's ah.

Anyways, I'd like to apologize for posting the wrong date for the choir rehearsal on the choir board =(. It was supposed to be on the 16/3/09, not the 16/4/09 but I also put there during the school hols and everybody knew about it so EVERYONE SHOULD'VE KNOWN ANYWAYS. Weiann and Sherwu said nobody contacted them to ask about rehearsal even though I put their numbers on the choir board. How come so many ppl didn't come????????? There were only about 10 plus of us i think. Well, make sure everybody remembers next time, please.

That's all for now =)

P.S. All board members, try to post more =)

Have a nice day!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Gravity :)

Hey guys :)
weiann here *again* (shoots deadly look at all the others)

monday's practice was fun :)
thanks for comming you guys!
we learned the last year's choral fest's song, not alone anymore
*with hand motions :D*

it may be lame but it's fun :)

oh yeah, I realised that this blog is a teensy weensy dull, so im adding a little something to the posts to spice things up :D
its actually just a little URL of a good song the blogger has heard,


here goes :)

Song of the day : Gravity - Sara Bareiles

its a THOUSAND times better than love song *yeuck*

go on, click on the damn URL :)


Thursday, March 12, 2009


Hey Ya'll :)
We juniors have finally made our *tiny* mark on the Choir's notice board!
Elain has just posted a smaaaaall notice on the board today, make sure to check it out kids :)
Or Else...
You won't get no cookies :D
*runs away with delicious cookies*

anyways, I have talked to a morning session-er, and she said that she'll make sure that they'll clear up a spot on the notice board for us to get our...*whatever kind of semangat you get from decorating half a notice board* on :D

AAAAnnd... just some other random thing you'd like to know..
our ex-choir-senior (year of 2008)
has gotten STRAIGHT A's FOR HER SPM!!!

Congratulations to her and all the others who got great marks for their SPM!
We're all extremely proud of all of you!

One more thing, it seems like I'm the only one updating this blog :O

And just a reminder, the Choral Fest is coming! I'm super exited! baaah!
*gives the join in my utter enthusiasm look*

right kids, its late and i've to march tomorrow..
Ciaaaooo :)

*a choir that blogs together, stays together :)*

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Start of a new choir?

Hey everyone! Weiann here.
your wakil tingkatan 2, Ji Xian and I have spent AGES working on this!
So...be grateful!

This is gonna be a short one, just testing out the new blog, do you guys like it? :)
It's still kinda empty, but it's work in progress!
Just gonna recap what Miss Tracy has told us today,

1) holiday work :)
-get the name of one musical composer (international is okay)
- get the name of one malaysian composer
-get information on a malaysian instrument

2) Extra Practice :)
- Monday, 16th March, 11.00am - 1.00pm
- Seniors will be there, so be punctual! Don't shame the junior choir's good name!
- Wear casual clothes, nothing too TERDEDAH *rolls eyes*
- Be there or be SQUARE!

3) Choir board and Choir T-Shirt :)
- The ones in charge of the board :
Ji xian, Elain and two other form one girls whose name i forgot :D *sorry*
Please remember to update the board every week! Choir members should always check the board by Thursday!
- We have to make an extra awesome T-shirt in accomadation to our extra awesome voices! :D
*aheeeem* come out with as many ideas as possible, and voice them out to me or sherwu, we'll get the message through to miss T. ;)

hm.. i think that's all, oh yeah, remember that the choral festival / competition is comming up soon! From 30th June - 3rd July! Please try your best to attend! I can gurantee you'll have a blast! Tell me,Sherwu or Yu Jun if you're interested in joining!

That's all kids, keep those notes comming and I'll see you soon!
Stay Tune :)

p/s, C-box comming soon :)

-looove, weiann :)
sorry theres so many smileys, can't help it! :)